I Think My Parent Is Being Abused in a Nursing Home: What Should I Do? By Larry A. Tawwater on August 30, 2023

An elderly man touching his heart in sadness

Elderly members of our family should live out their golden years in peace. We expect some level of dignity at assisted living facilities, yet sadly there are many instances of nursing home abuse and neglect. If you suspect that a loved one is being abused at such a facility, you may be wondering what you should do.

The team at our Oklahoma City, OK, law firm would like to offer some simple and clear-headed advice about what you should do if you suspect elder abuse.

Call 911 to Report Potential Abuse as Soon as Possible

If you notice any signs of nursing home abuse or neglect, be sure to inform local authorities as soon as possible.

Oklahoma City law enforcement will be able to respond to your concerns and check for themselves about mistreatment at the facility. Criminal action can be taken against those responsible for mistreatment and you can protect your loved one from harm.

Should I Withdraw My Parent from the Nursing Home if I Suspect Abuse?

Yes, definitely do so if you can. Sometimes protecting those you love means taking them out of a harmful situation.

Remember That Nursing Home Abuse Takes Different Forms

We often think of nursing home abuse in terms of physical harm or sexual assault. There are other kinds of mistreatment to keep in mind, such as emotional abuse, financial exploitation, and neglect of care.

Whatever form of abuse you suspect, it’s worth looking out for your parent’s well-being.

Know the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

There are some signs you should keep an eye out for if you suspect a loved one has been abused.

Signs of Physical Trauma

Be on the look out for any bruises, bumps, cuts, bed sores, or burns on your loved one’s face and body. Any unexplained wounds or injuries should also be considered.

Signs of Withheld Food or Medications

If you noticed your loved one looking gaunt or acting strangely, it might be a sign of withheld care. This could mean a lack of food and water, or a lack of regular medications they need.

Signs of Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Emotional abuse could take the form of lingering sadness, depression, or anxiety. Sometimes a loved one may be silent or reluctant to speak. Any unexpected sense of withdrawal is a reason to be concerned.

Signs of Financial Abuse

If a nursing home employee is financially exploiting your loved one, this may be reflected in your parent’s bank account balances or an increase in debts. Try to be mindful of your loved one’s financial situation in combination with other signs of abuse.

Signs of General Neglect

If you notice dirty clothes, soiled linens, disheveled rooms, or poor living conditions at a nursing home, these could all be signs of staff neglect. These unsanitary conditions could potentially be deadly.

Speak With a Lawyer About Legal Action and Restitution

After you’ve informed authorities and ensured the safety of your loved one, it’s a good idea to contact our Oklahoma City law office. During a free case review with Tawwater Law Firm, we can let you know if you should file civil litigation against the owner of the assisted living facility and what legal damages will cover.

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