Knowing the Potential Causes of Bus Accidents
Injury victims and their families can count on the lawyers of Tawwater Law Firm, PLLC. Serving Oklahoma City, our legal team has years of experience addressing complicated auto accident and injury litigation. This includes lawsuits involving bus accidents and mass transit collisions.
Let's consider why a bus accident is so serious, and then look at some common causes of bus accidents.
Bus Accidents Can Be Severe for Everyone on the Road
When a bus accident occurs, it can seriously affect all people on the road. Passengers in the bus might be thrown from their seats since there are no safety restraints in the vehicle. This can result in severe injuries. In addition, other motorists may be struck by the bus, causing major injuries and even potentially fatal injuries. If a bicyclist or pedestrian is struck by a bus, catastrophic injuries may be caused due to the sheet amount of force from impact.
Truly, bus accidents cannot be taken lightly. Once the cause of the accident has been determine, the negligent party or parties can be held legally accountable.
Bus Driver Error or Negligence
One potential cause of bus accidents is driver error or negligence by the bust driver. These kinds of accidents are especially egregious since they could have been avoided had the bus driver been paying attention. Some possible causes of bus driver error include driver distraction, speeding, running a red light, failure to check blind spots, or taking a sharp turn at high speed.
Reckless Drivers Around the Bus
Sometimes the reason a bus accident occurs has little to do with the bus itself and more to do with the drivers near the bus. Drunk drivers, speeding drivers, or generally reckless drivers can cause a bus to swerve, or result in sideswipe, rear end, and t-bone collisions with a bus. These can all lead to major injuries.
Mechanical/Vehicle Problems on the Bus
Buses should be regularly serviced in order to ensure safety. If a bus is not tuned up or checked, it can lead to a mechanical failure that results in a collision. Similarly, vehicle parts may be defective, making a serious collision or accident more likely. Examples of this include bad brakes, poor steering components, busted lights, and poor tires. The bus company and/or the makers of the failed auto part may be held accountable for these kinds of incidents.
Poor Road Conditions
A bad road means more difficult driving. With buses, just as with other vehicles, this means a greater likelihood of accidents. Some examples of poor road conditions include debris in the road, multiple potholes or road damage, narrow lanes, steep inclines, inadequate lighting, blind turns, or bad traffic signals/signs.
Bad Weather Conditions
Rain and snow make driving hazardous, especially with buses. Slippery streets and big vehicles mean the potential for longer stopping times and an increased risk of potential rollover accidents.
How an Attorney Can Help You
Working with an attorney will allow you to negotiate the complicated, tricky language and procedures in the litigation process. Your attorney will focus on the legal matters, such as seeking/determining damages and filing motions, while you and your loved ones can focus on recovery, wellness, and moving forward.
Learn More About Your Rights in Auto Accident Lawsuits
If you would like more information about your legal options following a serious bus accident, be sure to contact our personal injury law firm today. The legal team here at Tawwater Law Firm, PLLC will work with you the ensure that you receive just compensation and that negligent parties are held accountable for their actions.