Types of Defective Products
Our skilled team of personal injury attorneys takes all kinds of cases seriously. It's of the utmost important to us that negligent persons or parties are held responsible for their actions. This goes for all kinds of cases, whether they involve medical mistakes, auto accidents, or negligence of property owners. In regard to the negligence of major companies, these need to be taken seriously as well.
Right now we'd like to consider the nature of product liability lawsuits and provide you with some examples of goods that can cause injuries and other sorts of losses to occur.
About Product Liability Lawsuits
Product liability lawsuits refers to a broad range of cases in which goods harm the consumer. This may be due to faulty manufacturing, improper warning labels, poor design, and so forth. Below are a few common examples of defective products.
Defective Home Appliances
Many of us take for granted our refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers. They're so commonplace they blend in or are secondary in our thoughts. These appliances have been known to short out and cause fires, leading to some disastrous results.
Defective Consumer Electronics
While tablets, Blu-ray players, HD TVs, and smart phones are meant to make life more convenient and fun, they can also cause injury due to defective parts or electrocution. This is unacceptable.
Defective Toys
The toys that we give our children to play with should be safe for them. Faulty or shoddy manufacturing or even just plain bad materials and design can cause injuries, such as cuts and choking. These kinds of product liability lawsuits are especially important to us given the ages of victims.
Defective Motor Vehicles and Auto Parts
Cars are part of daily lives, which is why they should run properly and the parts in the motor vehicles should be safe. And yet there are many auto accidents that happen each year because of faulty parts or poorly designed vehicles.
Defective Pharmaceuticals
The medications that we take are supposed to make us well. Sadly, these medications can also make us sick if they were improperly tested. Big pharma shouldn't be given a break when their negligence leads to serious medical health problems.
Unsafe Food Products
We are what we eat, and sometimes what we eat makes us ill because of poor practices by a business. Tainted foods, undercooked foods, and unsanitary conditions at a place that sells food products cannot be tolerated. We will hold these people responsible.
What Our Attorneys Can Do for You
Many businesses have legal teams in place that are there to help them pay as little as possible for injuries to consumers. You need an advocate on your side who will take these companies to task and make sure that you are compensated for any losses or injuries sustained. That's precisely what we will do for you, and why our legal team will prove invaluable during the litigation process.
We can gather other consumers with similar experiences together in order to file a class action lawsuit. Many voices together can often accomplish more than just one voice alone.
Learn More About Personal Injury Lawsuits
For more information about product liability lawsuits and how our attorneys can help you, be sure to contact our Oklahoma personal injury lawyers today. Our entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve just compensation.