Tawwater Law Firm, PLLC

Causes and Dangers of Crosswalk Car Accidents

May 17, 2021 @ 09:15 PM — by Larry A. Tawwater
Tagged with: Car Accidents In Crosswalks

Pedestrians who walk or bike along the street are vulnerable to injury from vehicles that are significantly larger and heavier than them. Crosswalks are one of the many safety precautions in place to protect pedestrians. Crosswalks are designated areas that give pedestrians the right of way. Unfortunately, countless car accidents occur in crosswalks each year, often resulting in catastrophic injury or death.

Car accident lawyers from the Tawwater Law Firm understand the unique damages that can stem from crosswalk accidents. Here we discuss the most common causes of crosswalk car accidents, and help injury victims in the Oklahoma City, OK, area understand how to pursue compensation for damages stemming from these devastating collisions.

Causes of Crosswalk Car Accidents

Crosswalk accidents take place when a vehicle enters an intersection and there is a pedestrian already traveling through the intersection. This can occur for a number of reasons, but the most common causes of crosswalk accidents include:

Crosswalk Accident Injuries

Car accidents that occur in crosswalks can result in catastrophic or fatal injuries, especially if the accident is between a vehicle and a pedestrian. Potential crosswalk accident injuries include:

Economic Accident Damages

The physical damages caused by a crosswalk accident can be devastating, but that is only one aspect of accident damages suffered by our Oklahoma City clients. Car accidents not only take a physical and emotional toll, but they tend to be very costly. Financial losses that are common after a crosswalk car accident include:

Seeking Financial Compensation For Losses

Individuals who are injured in a crosswalk accident that was caused by another person or party have the right to seek financial compensation for damages, including economic and non-economic losses. Unfortunately, car insurance companies often try to minimize accident compensation. The best way for an accident victim to collect the full compensation they are due is to work with a knowledgeable car accident lawyer, such as those at our Oklahoma City law firm. Our lawyers gather the evidence necessary to prove accident liability and demonstrate the full extent of damages so that our clients are justly compensated.

Schedule a Consultation at Tawwater Law Firm

If you have been injured in a car accident, the lawyers at the Tawwater Law Firm would like to assist you in collecting the compensation you may be due. To discuss the details of your accident with our lawyers, send us a message online, or call (405) 673-8021 to schedule a consultation.