Tawwater Law Firm, PLLC

Rollover Auto Accidents Can Be Severe and Even Deadly

Jul 14, 2015 @ 03:04 PM — by Larry A. Tawwater
Tagged with: Rollover Accidents Auto Accidents

The lawyers of the Tawwater Law Firm have helped countless injury victims and their loved ones throughout the greater Oklahoma City area. Their legal expertise and insight is especially important to consider for lawsuits involving serious and fatal car accidents.

Rollovers are among the most serious kinds of auto accidents. Let's take a moment to consider these collisions right now.

Vehicle Rollover Accidents Defined

A vehicle rollover accident is a kind of auto accident in which a vehicle in an accident has tipped over onto its side or onto its roof. If the vehicle rolls over onto its roof, the danger and deadliness of the accident increases a great deal.

There are two kinds of rollover accidents: tripped and untripped.

What causes of rollover auto accidents?

While external forces can make rollovers far more likely, a number of rollover accidents are the result of vehicles having a high center of gravity, making rollover accidents far more likely to occur. Narrowness of the axles and issues with steering sensitivity and steering systems can also make rollovers more likely. In such cases, vehicle makers may be taken to task for negligence.

Types of Vehicles at Greater Risk of Rollover

Even though all vehicles can potentially rollover in an accident, there are three vehicles that tend to have greater likelihood of rolling over:

Keep these matters in mind if you own any of the above vehicles.

Why Rollover Auto Accidents Are So Dangerous

When a vehicle rollover occurs, there's a far greater likelihood of serious injuries affecting the driver and the passengers of a vehicle. The frame of the vehicle may be impacted inwards, making broken bones and other severe injuries possible.

If the vehicle rolls over onto its roof, the roof may collapse from the weight of the vehicle and the force of impact. This is known as a roof crush, and these kinds of auto accidents can be especially deadly. Seatbelts and airbags simply cannot protect individuals from the harm that may be caused by a roof crush accident.

How an Auto Accident Lawyer Can Help You

During the litigation process, a lawyer will be able to hold the negligent party or parties accountable for causing a collision and the subsequent rollover. In the case of untripped rollovers, the auto maker or the designer of the vehicle may be held accountable for the rollover accident occurring or making a rollover more likely.

Speak with Our Personal Injury Attorneys About Your Case

For more information about your legal options following a serious motor vehicle collision, it's of the utmost importance that you contact our personal injury lawyers today. The team here at the Tawwater Law Firm will work tirelessly for you in your time of legal need.